Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Sum-up

Today was amazing! Have you ever had those weeks when everything seems to be falling apart? Well, there were a few occasions when this past week felt like one of those weeks. for some reason though, even with all the stuff that came my way, I felt like God was saying to me "I'm in control". So I didn't worry, but I did wonder how this Sunday was going to go. We knew coming into this week that we were going to be short on volunteers and then I found out that we would be short 4 more volunteers. We knew this morning where everyone was and the fact is it's just life. None of them were just skipping out, they just had life things to do. So we set up this morning with a MAJOR skeleton crew, and after cutting a few corners, it went really well. Then came the thing of "what if it's just us few volunteers?" Well, it wasn't. We had a great crowd and even picked up three brand new volunteers officially. We talked about the purpose statement of Oasis, which is "Love God, Love Others, Serve the World, and Make Disciples." I also talked a little about my journey and how Oasis Came to be. If you would like to know a little of what Oasis is about, and why we are planting this church, then listen to the podcast. You can search for it on I-tunes with the key word "ocgreenwood" It will pop right up. You can also go to our podcast tab on our web site. Today was awesome... and yes, we really do shoot sacred cows in the forehead, throw them in a ditch, and spit on them as we walk away. :)
On March 7th we will be at the Homemade genius building for our worship service instead of at the YMCA and we will be starting 15 minutes earlier at 10:30 instead of 10:45.

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