Have nothing but a feed me mentality.
Just want a good church home.
Can't put aside their preferences for the cause of Christ.
Can't fully buy into the vision of Oasis Church.
Think the pastor's job is to sit with them at the hospital.
Find it easy to say the phrase "that isn't my job."
Are overly concerned about how the church spends their money.... It's not your money anyway.
Love to criticize others for being less holy than them.
Think that they have it all figured out.
Can't meet someones need for Christ just because they aren't dressed nice enough.
Don't understand that worship is what you do all week.
Have no real desire to see lost people come into their church.
P.S. I'd like to end this post by saying that I think we have the most awesome group of core members ever. Just thought that I would like to put this out there.
I would love to say this like Kirk Franklin does in one of his songs....."preach on preacha!"!!!